4th storey: chapel 4N1

Chapel devoted to the masters of the Kālacakra, west of the N-projection of the Kumbum. The inscription refers to it as bla ma lha khang bde chen but the dkar chag calls it Rigs ldan lha khang (the chapel of the Kulikas), where Kulika is the epithet given to the eight mythical King of Śambhala, Mañjuśrīkīrti (Rigs ldan ’Jam dpal grags pa), and to his successors. S-wall: Statue of Kun mkhyen chen po Shes rab rgyal mtshan (Dol po pa, center, 1292-1361) (groundplan No. 1), flanked by mKhas grub chen po Bo dong Phyogs las rnam rgyal (right, 1306-1386) (groundplan No. 1a) and mKhas mchog Nya dbon Kun dga’ dpal (groundplan No. 1a’). Two more statues on the E-wall and the W-wall: Statue of the donor of the chapel, Chos rje dPal ldan legs pa (groundplan No. 1b) and statue of ’Jam dbyangs dkon mchog bzang po, the master who consecrated the sKu ’bum (groundplan No. 1b’). W-wall: Painted Kun mkhyen ’Phags pa ’od Yon tan rgya mtsho (1260-1327) (groundplan No. 2); N-wall: Painted Kun spangs Thugs rje brtson ’grus (1243-?) (groundplan No. 3); E-wall: Painted Bla ma Rong pa rDo rje rgyal mtshan (groundplan No. 4).
[Lo Bue and Ricca 1990, p. 298-307/Lo Bue and Ricca 1993, p. 295].

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