4th storey: chapel 4NW

Chapel devoted to the masters of the bKa’ brgyud pa tradition, placed at the N-W corner of the sKu ’bum. The inscriptions published by Tucci and the dkar chag inform us that the statues on the NE-wall are : Tilopa, (center, 988-1069) (groundplan No. 1), Nāropa (right, 1016-1100) (groundplan No. 1a), Mar pa (left, 1012-1097) (groundplan No. 1a’), Mi la ras pa (1052-1135) (groundplan No. 1b), along the E-wall, and Dwags po Rin po che sGam po zla ’od gzhon nu (sGam po pa) (1079-1153) along the S-wall (groundplan No. 1b’). W-wall: Painted Grub chen gTsang pa rGya ras pa Ye shes rdo rje (1161-1211) (groundplan No. 2); N-wall: Painted Gling ras pa Padma rdo rje (1128-1188) (groundplan No. 3) and ’Gro ba’i mgon po dPal Phag mo gru pa rDo rje rgyal po (Phag mo gru pa, 1110-1170) (groundplan No. 4). [Lo Bue and Ricca 1993, p. 294].

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