4th storey: chapel 4W2
Chapel devoted to the masters of the gCod and Zhi byed doctrines.
This is the northern chapel in the W-projection of the fourth floor of the sKu ’bum. E-wall: Dam pa sangs rgyas (Pha dam pa) (?-1117), the Indian master who introduced the teachings of gCod (Pha rol tu phyin pa bdud kyi gcod yul) and Zhi byed (sDug bsngal zhi byed) into Tibet (center) (groundplan No. 1), flanked by Ma gcig Labs sgron ma, a female disciple of Pha dam pa (left) (groundplan No. 1a’, and (lHa) ’Gro ba’i mgon po Dam pa kun dga’ (1062-1124), also known as Bodhisattva Kun dga’ (right) (groundplan No. 1a). S-wall: Painted dPyal Lo tsā ba Chos kyi bzang po (dPyal Chos bzang), the founder of the monastery of Thar pa gling (groundplan No. 2). N-wall: An unidentified painted master, perhaps dPyal Kun dga’ rdo rje, or else dPyal ’Phags rgyal ba, the guru of the founder of the Gyantse dynasty (groundplan No. 4); sGrol ljang (Śyāma Tārā) (groundplan No. 3).
[Lo Bue and Ricca 1990, p. 279-287/Lo Bue and Ricca 1993, p. 293].