4th storey: chapel 4SW

Chapel devoted to the masters of the Sa skya pa tradition, at the S-W corner of this floor of the sKu ’bum, with the entrance facing south. SE-wall: Statue of the mahāsiddha Virūpa (Bir wa pa; center) (groundplan No. 1), who found the Lam ’bras lineage, flanked by Chos rje Sa chen Kun dga’ snying po (1092-1156, right) (groundplan No. 1a), the 3rd abbot of Sa skya and rJe btsun bSod nams rtse mo (1147-1182, left) (groundplan No. 1a’), the very founder of the Sa skya pa esoteric tradition and 4th abbot of Sa skya. Two more statues: North: Sa skya Paṇḍita Kun dga’ rgyal mtshan (1181-1251), 6th abbot of Sa skya (groundplan No. 1b); East: Statue of ’Gro mgon Chos rgyal ’Phags pa (1235-1280), 7th abbot of Sa skya (groundplan No. 1b’). Paintings: W-wall: two figures facing each other, rJe btsun chen po Grags pa rgyal mtshan (1147-1217) (groundplan No. 3) and Chos rje bSod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po (1312-1375) (groundplan No. 4). S-wall: A long inscription published and translated by Tucci and another important portrait which the caption identifies as Theg chen chos kyi rgyal po Kun dga’ bkra shis rgyal mtshan (1349-1425).
[Lo Bue and Ricca 1990, p. 266-275/Lo Bue and Ricca 1993, p. 291].

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