1st storey: chapel 1Wa'

Chapel devoted to gZhan gyis mi thub ma gDugs dkar mo can (Aparājitā Sitātapatrā). Statue of gDugs dkar mo (Sitātapatrā), gilded, with three heads and six arms, sitting in lalitāsana on a lion throne, flanked by Aparājitā, Mahācaṇḍā, Mahājvalā and Mahākālā (ground plan No. 1). MA maṇḍala of Sitātapatrā, white, with three heads and eight arms, sitting in vāmārdhaparyaṅka (ground plan No. 2). Painting of Sitātapatrā, white, with four faces and a fifth blue head above, sitting in vāmārdhaparyaṅka, holding a vajra (ground plan No. 3). Painted Sitātapatrā, white, with three heads and six arms, sitting in vajrāsana and holding a vajra (ground plan No. 4). [Lo Bue and Ricca 1993, p. 233].

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