5th storey: temple 5N
The northern temple is devoted to Yum chen mo (Prajñāpāramitā) and has the statue of Yum chen mo (Prajñāpāramitā) in its center, gilded with four arms on the S-wall. (gr.pl.No. 1) Yum chen mo is flanked by two standing mānuṣibuddhas (gr.pl.No. 1a and 1a’) S-wall paintings, left of the throne: Sarvārthasiddhicaturmudrāmaṇḍala, Sarvārthasiddhyekamudrāmaṇḍala and Vajrakarmamaṇḍala (gr.pl.No. 2); W-wall: Painted Sarvārthasiddhimahāmaṇḍala, surrounded by the caturmudrāmaṇḍalas of the Four Families (gr.pl.No. 3); N-wall, entrance wall, right: Painted Sarvārthasiddhidhāraṇimaṇḍala and Sarvārthasiddhidharmamaṇḍala (gr.pl.No. 4); Painting above the entrance door: Sarvārthasiddhikarmamaṇḍala (gr.pl.No. 5); Entrance wall, left: Painted Mahāyānābhisamayamaṇḍala and Vajrahṛdayamaṇḍala (gr.pl.No. 6); E-wall: Painted Sarvatathāgatarahasyamaṇḍala, surrounded by the Sarvatathāgatasamatābhiṣekamaṇḍala, the Maheśvaramaṇḍala, the Jagadvinayamaṇḍala and the Vajraratnamaṇḍala (gr.pl.No. 7); S-wall, right of the throne: Painted Trailokyavijayamaṇḍala, Herukamaṇḍala and Yamāntakamaṇḍala (gr.pl.No. 8).
[Lo Bue and Ricca 1990, p. 144/Lo Bue and Ricca 1993, p. 304].