1st storey: vestibule 1V

Vestibule, devoted to the rGyal po chen po sde bzhi (Caturmahārāja), giving access to the 2nd storey.
W-wall (ground plan No. 1): Statues of ’Phags skye bo (Virūḍhaka, the Guardian of the south) blue, brandishing the sword, and Mig mi bzang (Virūpākṣa, the Guardian of the west) red, holding a white mchod rten. N-wall (groundplan No. 2): Statues of rNam thos sras (Vaiśravana, the Guardian of the north) yellow holding the rgyal mtshan (dhvajra) and a jewel-spitting mongoose and of Yul ’khor srung (Dhṛtarāṣṭra, the Guardian of the east) green, with a lute . The dkar chag refers to the painted images of rTa mgrin (Hayagrīva), g. Yu sṅon can (a misspelling for dByug sṅon can) (Nīladaṇḍa, the blue mGon po with the stick), Beṅ stag zhon (wrongly gzhon in the inscription) and fifteen Phyogs skyong. E-wall (groundplan No. 3): Khro bo dByug sngon can (Krodhanīladaṇḍa) blue, with flaming hair, S-Wall (groundplan No. 4): Khro bo rTa mgrin (Krodhahayagrīva) red, flaming hair surmounted by a horse´s green head.
[Lo Bue and Ricca 1990, p. 191-196/Lo Bue and Ricca 1993, p. 245].

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