bgegs gtor [བགེགས་གཏོར་] 5/11

Level: 5/11

Name (transl. [tib.]) [NAME:]: bgegs gtor [བགེགས་གཏོར་]

Category [OBJECTTYPE]:

Description (body): 2x chang bu [ཆང་བུ་]; 1x (print of) male figure (pho gdong [ཕོ་གདོང་]); 1x (print of) female figure (mo gdong [མོ་གདོང་]);

Description (butter): no butter

Dimensions (HxD) [MEASUREMENTS]: 10.0 cm x 12.0 cm

Material [MATERIAL]: flour/butter

Workshop [ARTIST]: Workshop of Triten Norbutse Monastery

Artist (body): #1

Artist (butter): -

Manuscript reference: p.(143?), z.;

Manuscript (tib.):

Manuscript (transl.):

Manuscript (engl.):

Body 360°: no

Butter 360°: yes

Production fotos (body): yes

Production fotos (butter): no butter


Location [PROVENANCE]: Kathmandu

Date (body): 4th day/16.01.2015

Date (butter): 4th day/16.01.2015

Date (destruction): 19.01.2015

Notes: Video 4th day; Sanyo002: 34:36-41:37;
Kemi "to throw the bad things of you away"
[RY]: bgegs gtor - torma to the obstructers.
[RY]: bgegs gtor - Gektor. A torma offering given to spirits and negative forces who may obstruct the sadhana practice.
[RY]: bgegs gtor - Gektor, 'hindrance torma’, [for the obstructing forces, harmful spirits].
[IW]: bgegs gtor - Gektor [torma for obstructing spirits.].
[Obstructor torma. A torma offered to obstructive spirits at the outset of an empowerment or session of practice in order to remove the impediments they could otherwise create.->]

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